How To Learn Spanish As An Adult | Global Speak Academy

Many people try to learn Spanish in school, and some succeed in learning the language within their young school years. However, most people go through Spanish in high school but still aren’t able to speak a word confidently after they graduate. If you are wondering how to learn Spanish as an adult, because you’d like to jump back in the Spanish learning train, this is the academy for you, as our teachers!  



Why You Should Learn How To Speak Spanish As An Adult


If you are reading this, you might be thinking "30 is too old to learn Spanish", however, this simply not true, as the "being too old to learn a language" theory has been debunked many times, it is never too late. It is true that some people have faster learning paces than others and that these are slowed down with age, but that doesn't mean that it is not possible. That traditional language teaching, which is taught in most schools has ultimately failed at teaching you how to speak Spanish properly. In Global Speak Academy we make use of the new “Communicative Language Teaching”(CLT Method), which is recognized by Cambridge University as “language learning for real life”. In this academy we focus on helping our students become confident in their conversational skills in Spanish. At Global Speak Academy we help new students understand how they can learn Spanish as an adult, as this is usually a very intimidating step to take because traditional language teaching has overcomplicated the process of being able to speak a language. Many people have popularized this idea that you can only properly learn a language fluently if you learn it at a young age, this fact has been debunked and fact checked many times showing that this is an incorrect statement. The reason this idea would make sense in the first place is due to the methods that language academies use. Which consists of trying to shove a huge amount of theoretical and grammatical knowledge into people's head and then expect them to be able to speak the language. 


Can Global Speak Academy Help Me How To Learn Spanish As An Adult?


At Global Speak Academy we focus on the practical part of learning Spanish where our native Spanish teachers help you build your confidence in the language putting the language into practice and into context. If you have a driving's license you will notice that all you learn in theory classes is pure theory, the only useful practice you get is when you are inside of a car, practicing driving, committing errors and learning from them in a practical way. Most language academies skip the practical part, which is arguably the most important. If you truly want to know how to learn Spanish as an adult, you should try to learn it the same way you learned your mother language when you weren’t an adult, by practicing your oral Spanish with native speakers. However, if you don't live in a Spanish speaking country it will be harder to get in contact with the native speakers, therefore we bring the Spanish lessons to your house, with online lessons that are 45 minutes long, to ensure engagement and foster motivation to learn Spanish properly.
In Global Speak Academy we provide adult friendly learning environments, where we connect Spanish students with native Spanish teachers that will turn learning Spanish into your new favourite hobby! Say goodbye to boring grammar classes and start learning Spanish on topics you are actually interested in!