Conversational Spanish Method

Have you ever heard of someone learning to drive without ever getting in a car and driving it?

Exactly! Just like no one learns how to drive without driving a real car, no one truly learns conversational Spanish without getting into real Spanish conversations. Learning to speak Spanish requires real-life practice, not just textbooks. At Global Speak Academy, our focus is on helping students learn conversational Spanish by actively engaging in conversations. We encourage students to take center stage, ask questions, and make mistakes without fear, keeping them motivated and excited to learn conversational Spanish with us.

The teaching methodology we use is widely known as "Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)," described by Cambridge University as "Language for Real Life." This approach is unique because it tailors lessons to the students' interests, ensuring that they learn conversational Spanish relevant to their personal experiences and interests. Unlike traditional methods that focus on memorizing grammar rules, we aim to provide students with the skills to hold meaningful conversations in Spanish.

There's often a misunderstanding that traditional language teaching methods are sufficient to learn conversational Spanish. In reality, these methods usually only equip students with the skills to pass a test, not to speak Spanish fluently. Traditional language institutions often make the mistake of teaching Spanish like an academic subject rather than a language meant for communication. For example, you learned to speak your native language long before you understood grammar rules. However, many Spanish schools bombard students with grammar before allowing them to practice real conversations. This approach makes it difficult to learn conversational Spanish and can lead to a loss of motivation.

At Global Speak Academy, we focus on real-world communication to help students learn conversational Spanish. Instead of memorizing irrelevant vocabulary, our students engage in discussions on topics they are passionate about, such as sports, music, art, food, and travel. This communicative approach to learning Spanish ensures that students expand their conversational Spanish skills in areas they find interesting and useful.

We also encourage the use of tools, like translation apps, to aid in the learning process. If these tools help students create unique and personal sentences, they can be valuable for building vocabulary and boosting confidence in conversational Spanish. Fun and engaging methods, such as conversation-driven topics, interactive card games, and role-playing negotiations, are all part of our strategy to help students learn conversational Spanish effectively.

Our lessons are held in small groups of five on Google Meets, where teachers use online tools like interactive whiteboards to visualize concepts. Afterward, students practice by engaging in conversations, games, and scenarios where the only way to succeed is by speaking Spanish. This immersive environment allows students to learn conversational Spanish in a natural way, similar to how they learned their first language, by using words and expressions relevant to everyday life.

The teachers at Global Speak Academy are qualified CLT instructors who tailor lessons to each group's needs, ensuring that every student gets the opportunity to learn conversational Spanish at their own pace. This method goes beyond vocabulary and grammar—it leads to real conversational proficiency. We guide students on their path to speaking Spanish with confidence, mastering pronunciation, and becoming conversationally fluent in Spanish.

In conclusion, if your goal is to learn conversational Spanish, the best way is through consistent practice and engaging conversations. At Global Speak Academy, we make learning conversational Spanish an enjoyable and personalized experience!


  • Cambridge University Press, "Communicative Language Teaching," 2010.
  • Cambridge University Press, "Language For Real Life: Developing Conversation Skills," 2022.

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