How To Learn Spanish In 12 Months | Global Speak Academy

So, you're contemplating starting learning Spanish, but you're wondering how it's possible to learn Spanish in only 12 months. The answer is that each person has different learning tempos and learning proficiency, but it is also very dependent on certain factors, such as how many times a week you are having lessons, how long the lessons are, who is teaching the lessons, and arguably the most important: what methods are used to teach how to learn to speak Spanish in 12 months. Whether you're a complete beginner or someone who studied Spanish in the past but never quite got the hang of speaking it, we've got the perfect formula for you. 
Where Can I Learn Spanish In 12 Months 
Learning a new language can be a thrilling but tedious process, and we at Global Speak Academy have cracked the code to make it not only achievable but downright exhilarating. Forget the traditional methods that leave you drowning in grammar rules and vocabulary lists. We've embraced the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, which is officially recognized by Cambridge University as “Language Learning For Real Life”. Which focuses on real-life situations and subjects you're genuinely interested in. After all, as the saying goes, 'energy flows where attention goes,' and we believe the most effective learning happens when you're genuinely engaged.  
So, where can you experience this revolutionary method? Look no further than Global Speak Academy, where we've redefined the way Spanish is taught. Our small class sizes, with a maximum of 5 students per class, ensure personalized attention. And guess what? If you enroll before your group fills up, you'll enjoy private lessons to kickstart your language journey. How do we make the magic happen in just 12 months? We offer dynamic 45-minute weekly lessons with native Spanish teachers who make every moment count. No more endless hours that feel like an eternity – our classes leave you yearning for more time to immerse yourself in the Spanish language. 
How Will Global Speak Academy Help Me Learn Spanish In 12 Months 
Global Speak Academy offers various course options, but for the optimal blend of consistency and progress, we recommend our 1 class per week course. With just one class a week, you'll be amazed at the strides you can make in your Spanish proficiency. This is your chance to step into the world of Spanish with confidence and emerge after learning Spanish for only 12 months of speaking the language. 
Ready to turn your dream of speaking Spanish into your new favorite hobby? Take the first exciting step by signing up to our 1 class per week course. In just 12 months, you'll be speaking Spanish with newfound confidence and excitement. ¡Vamos!